Contractual Partners


The University of Genova is one of the most ancient among the European large universities. It was founded in 1933, but its history can be traced back several centuries (14th century).
UNIGE is a public institution provided with scientific, educational, organizational and financial autonomy and it is involved in the building of a European area for research and advanced professional training. It operates in accordance with the principles of the Constitution of the Italian Republic and of Magna Charta subscribed by European Universities in 1988.

via Seminario 8 – 37129 VERONA
Tel: + 39 045 597683
The association ALTERITAS – Interazioni tra i popoli – a research institution founded in 2009 and accredited by the Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research (MIUR) in 2015 – is devoted to the study of interactions among peoples of different origin, language, culture and tradition throughout the history. Thanks to a network of about 50 scholars from different disciplines (archaeology, linguistics, anthropology, history of art, ancient, medieval and modern history), and to the collaboration with numerous research institutions, Alteritas is engaged in research projects characterized by a wide range of topics and approaches in humanities and social sciences.

Via Dante Alighieri, 32 – 22066 Mariano C. (CO)
Tel: +39 0362 1880096
NCLOUD is a small enterprise with expertise in cloud solutions. Specifically, it manages cloud solutions based on WP6
(WebPyramid 6) platform, a tool enhanced for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP). It develops also websites with strong application content and custom mobile applications. Among its
expertise are also Cyber Security and Privacy Policy (GDPR). The enterprise is strongly oriented towards innovation.

Domaine Universitaire, 19 esplanade des Antilles, 33607 Pessac
Tel: +33 (0)557 12 44 44
The University Bordeaux Montaigne (UBM) is a humanist university with a long tradition of international outreach. It brings together more than 17,000 students and 1,300 teaching and administrative staff for training and research in the arts, languages, literature, humanities and social sciences. It awards 138 national diplomas within three training and research units (UFR) and two institutes: the University Institute of Technology (IUT) and the Institute of Journalism (IJBA). The UBM is also associated with the Aquitaine Higher School of Teaching and Education (ESPE) to provide training for future teachers.

Calle Pedro Cerbuna 12, 50009 Zaragoza (Spain)
Tel: +34 976 762052
The University of Zaragoza is a public teaching and research institution which combines almost five centuries of history (since 1542) with a constantly updated range of courses. The University of Zaragoza has more than 30,000 students; 5,100 teaching and research staff and over 1,800 administration and service staff.
It offers courses in all areas: Arts and Humanities, Engineering and Architecture, Experimental Sciences, Health Sciences, Social Sciences and Law. Students can choose between 54 Bachelor’s degrees and, in terms of graduate studies, 55 master degrees and 45 doctoral programmes, in addition to 90 specific courses (postgraduate degrees and specialist diplomas) corresponding to UNIZAR lifelong learning strategy.

Barri d’Aragó, s/n, El Pont de Suert
Tel: +34 973690040
The Institut El Pont de Suert is a high school with 350 students, including secondary school, high school and professional studies: forestry, gardening and work in ski resorts. It is a school with a strong engagement in international projects, and also in attention to diversity. The school is placed in Catalonia, but very close to Aragón, so we have students from both regions, and this is a mountain area, in the Pyrenees, which determines our strong interest in the natural environment.

ul. Henryka Wieniawskiego 1, 61-712, Poznan, Poland
Tel: +48618294308, +48618294332
Ranking among the best Polish higher education institutions in terms of the level of research and education, AMU is now significantly developing its research and teaching. It also continues to modernize and further develop its facilities. With 285 majors and specializations covering the entire spectrum from humanities to sciences, AMU’s enrolment is nearly 40 thousand students who study at the B.A., the M.A. and the PhD levels. AMU employs over 3,000 academic teachers and nearly 2,100 other staff.

ul. Okulickiego 13, 21-040 Świdnik
Tel: (+48) 81 751 57 13
I Liceum Ogólnokształcace im. Władysława Broniewskiego w Świdniku is a secondary school for students from grades 9-12 (15-19 years old). 420 students attend the school and 32 teachers work there. It provides general education to students who would like to continue their education and go to university.
Students, teachers and parents actively take part in various school projects, both local and national in order to use innovation and exchange of good practices. These activities are an integral part of the school curricula and provide measurable benefits in the form of systematically growing results of external exams and language competences.

Fjärilsvägen 9A5, 65230, Vasa, Finland
Tel: +358 40 5533647
The F|E|F deals with (applied) linguistics and social research. It is a registered profit body born to give unitary coordination to the several experiences of research in the fields of sociolinguistics, applied linguistics, language planning, geolinguistics and GIS, historical-comparative linguistics, terminology, permanent language education, psycholinguistics, dialectology, lexicography and computational linguistics that its members have been conducting since 1995 under the name of Centre d’Études Linguistiques pour l’Europe.